Custom NAS


My brother, my friend and I want to combine our interets in PC building and 3D printing and create a custom PC network attached storage.


What steps are you going to take to build it? What tools are you going to use? What will you do first, second, third, etc.? We will cut the wood to size using the saw and create the sides of the case. We will use dowels to support the internal structure. We will then put mesh on it for dust filtration. We will use the 3D printer to create fan frames, motherboard mounts and storage mounts. We will use the 3D printer to come up with multiple versions to find the best solution. We will then put together the PC with all the components in the case and install a NAS operating system.

If we have more time, we will work on these potential ideas: PiHole Octoprint Monitoring Software Docker Containers with other tools Home IoT Homeassistant software

For the smart mirror project, Aditya will use his RPI with these cameras and sensors and put it together in a wooden frame. He will then work through the software to configure it to his needs. He will also 3d print any brackets or attachments/holders he needs making revisions for these parts as needed.


What materials will you need for your project? Where will you get them? How much does it cost? Please include all materials, including components you already own. Make sure to factor in shipping costs and sales tax.

CPU R5 5600G$130
Ram 8GB$22
power supply$32
Powered Wood Saw Own
Power Drill Own
Fine Mesh
PC Fans$12
Creality 3D Printer$302
PC power button$11

BUDGET ADDENDUM for Smart Mirror:

Reflective Mirror$167
Frame 18 x 24$32
Raspberry pi case$13
Raspberry Pi camera$11
Raspberry Pi IR Sensor

Total with both list sets: $825